Connect with the best and brightest in IP

LES members encompass a highly diverse community of thousands of expert practitioners in intellectual property and licensing across all industry sectors. When you join LES, you join them, and have access to the best and brightest minds in the IP ecosystem. As a member of LES International, LES provides USA and Canada members access to a global network and a range of resources to help you navigate the business of intellectual property. 

Resources to help you succeed

LES offers high-level insight on public policy, standards, industry trends, and deal flow and developments. We provide exclusive IP data and have a deep archive of educational material, including courses, webinars, best practices, a career center, and more.

Expand your business opportunities

LES is the place to expand your business connections and opportunities. We are a welcoming business community dedicated to helping our members leverage intellectual property to grow their business and protect their intangible assets against risk. You can tap into the power of our network of IP and licensing professionals through local chapters and our global member directory.

LES membership provides opportunities for collaboration, networking, professional growth, research and standards setting; in other words, opportunities to shape your future and the very future of the IP industry.

For an annual membership of $395, LES members receive exclusive benefits that offer a solid ROI.  And when you join LES, you automatically become a member of LESI – two memberships for the price of one!

LES Member Benefit Value
Networking and knowledge-sharing Priceless
Professional Development Opportunities:


  • Annual Meeting and Chapter events
  • Online and In-person Courses and Workshops
  • Webinars

Valuable discounts on events and courses    

Free Webinars ($60 for non-members)

Free access to global business/legal resources to facilitate international deal-making


  • LES/LESI Global Membership Directory (9,000+ members)
  • Exclusive Deal Terms, Royalty Rates, and Compensation Surveys
  • Industry publications covering the latest industry trends, including les Nouvelles, LES Viewpoints, and LESI Global News


  $800 – $1,000


Online Career Center to discover new career opportunities and resources or look for new talent for your company. Priceless
Member Benefit Partners Program that provides discounts on business and travel services. Valuable discounts